Shortcut Function
del Remove marked items.
return Activates marked items.
backspace Change to next higher directory.
F2 Rename marked items.
F3 Create new directory in current view.
F4 Open a terminal with the path of the current view.
F5 Update the view whichever has the focus. As they are: left/right side, FileShelf.
F6 Same as above, but calculates the size of each item recursivly and show the size of each in the view.
ctrl + c marked items are meant to be copied with ctrl + v.
ctrl + x marked items are meant to be moved with ctrl + v.
ctrl + v What ever files were marked when ctr+x or ctrl+c was pressed, become copied or moved to the active view.
ctrl + n Within a side view, adds a new page. Within the FileShelf, adds a new shelf.
ctrl + i Same as contextmenu 'size'.
ctrl + h Show hidden files in the current view (Side view only).
ctrl + s Add marked items to active FileShelf.
ctrl + d Add marked items to a new FileShelf (Side view only).
ctrl + e Edit information of item (FileShelf only).
alt + f Search marked items for a string.
alt + c Short cut to copy marked items to the other panel (Sideview only).
alt + x Short cut to move marked items to the other panel (Sideview only).
ctrl + y Copies the name of the currently marked item to the clipboard.
alt + y Copies the name including the path of the currently marked item to the clipboard.
alt + p Enable or disable picture preview in current tab.
alt + r Mark current tab as read only. Copying to, Moving from/to or deleting items within this tab is blocked.

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